Laminar and non-geometric microliths The laminated microliths occur gradually along the Upper Paleolithic. According to J. Guichard there are certain pieces that suggest that microliths had already begun during the Gravettian (the “chisels de Noailles ‘and’ Microgravettes” are proof of that), , the process continues, flowering significantly during the Magdalenian (persist, then numerous Mesolithic traditions, especially circunmerr neas). These microliths, which are slightly larger than the geometric, are manufactured from flint collected leaves ad hoc small groups or sheets either exhausted cores.The production technique because the support is not very large, can be either percussion or pressure (although the pressure is always the best option, being more complicated is the most common). There are three basic types of laminated microliths: The leaf truncated (that is, with one end lower, or both, broken abrupt alterations based) varieties are distinguished by the position of the truncadura (oblique, straight, double …) and as shape (convex, concave …). Stand out for their special way, the “raclettes microlithic” Lasquite layers or edges have been retouched steeply to acquire a subcircular form or report (the cultural indicators raclettes are confused, then, in larger sizes appear throughout the Stone Age) . The crushed leaf edge (with one of the edges ‘killed’, usually the side, also by abrupt retouch), there are fewer varieties, for example, if you have the entire rim shot or just a portion, if this is right or not. ..