After to revolutionize the communication market saw voip, the Skype comes growing to each day and closing some partnerships with small companies. Currently the Skype already is inserting in many small, average and great companies, providing same the great economy in its telephonic accounts, and mainly now with the teleconferencia skype. The Teleconferncia Skype can be something that gives to one tapinha the Cisco Empire on the back of. One year behind, the Skype became hdcapaz (720p) e, now, combined with the Group of vdeodo chat, I sees some great chances. Whenever John Mclaughlin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The newness – that still it is in beta – will allow that groups of up to five friends can beat papo with the others through video. For videoconferncia of work groups, all the users must lower and install the version most recent of the Skype customer. Unhappyly, the video chat in group alone is available for the users of the Windows now, but Skype says that a version for Mac is in workmanships and will be ready for download still this year. Although the resource still it is in beta, videoconferncia group is free, but Skype waits to launch it as one of a series of new functionalities premium in the end of this year to concur the Cisco wit and of other suppliers of video conference. The price not yet was determined, but, Skype and calls of voice of two ways of video chat the users will be always free for all. This type of service come of the Skype, always we will be able to trust, therefore the quality in comparison to any another paid system voip well is equalized, when not better.