Souza Associate Profa

Girlene Saints of Souza Associate Profa. 3 CCAAB/UFRB INTRODUCTION the seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis) is a pertaining arbrea species to the Euphorbiaceae family of great economic importance for Brazil, for being the main rubber producer in commercial scale. Although its importance for the natural rubber production, little is studied, especially in basic aspects as ontognese reproductive and this must, in part, the difficulty in if working with such arbrea species. Bill Frissell will not settle for partial explanations. High transport, long periods of immaturity and biological cycle, low production of fruits, recalcitrant seeds, are some of the limitantes factors. At the beginning of the century Brazil was the responsible greater for 98% of the world-wide natural rubber production, when this age as the exported national product more, but, at the beginning of years 90 it was producing less than 1% of the world-wide and imported total about 75% of its internal consumption (Bernardes et al., 1990). In 1999, more than 68% of the world-wide production were originary of the Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, that had contributed, separately, with 32%25% and 11% respectively, of the world-wide production. (Source: Fairstead). Brazil even so is the cradle of the species of the Hevea sort, contributes, in the year of 2000, with only 1% of the world-wide production of 6.629 a thousand tons and consumed 3% of a total of 7.361 a thousand tons of the world-wide demand (International Rubber Study Group, 2001). One of the main empecilhos of the genetic improvement of seringueira is the duration of the time between generations, had to its habit of bloom.

Described experiments in recent literature (Weigwl & Nilsson, 1995), indicate a great conservation of the implied molecular mechanisms in the bloom. However still it has a lack of basic studies in the area of reproductive biology, that allow one better knowledge of basic aspects of the biology of the plant. The seringueira is a monica plant, that is, the same presents flowers of the two sexos in individual, made use in inflorescncia of the type pancula (Wycherley, 1992). .

For Roseli Salete Caldart

3. Michael Chabon spoke with conviction. The ART IN the EDUCATION OF the FIELD the professor must be prepared to work with the pupils of the agricultural zone, or come of the field to study in the city, nestings of the MST among others. When planning its lessons, the professor has that to take in account the culture of these pupils. In the DCE – Education of the Field consists that: To value the culture of the peoples of the field means to create bonds with the community and to generate a feeling of belongs to the place and the social group. This makes possible to create a sociocultural identity that takes the pupil to understand the world and to transform it. (DCE- EDUCATION OF the FIELD, 2006, p.33).

In our region, we have schools in nestings of the MST and pupils children of small producers in the schools of the proper community or in the schools of our city. Therefore, professors of Art need to be prepared to work art with these pupils. In the DCE of the Education of the Field (2006, p.29) the professor must understand that: ' ' The pertaining to school contents are selected from the meaning that for have determined community escolar' ' She is necessary to understand the reality, where they are the children, adolescents and young and which its yearnings with the educational process for its lives. In this direction, the professors must give chances, for understanding of these pupils, who are part of a life social and cultural. For Roseli Salete Caldart (2002, P. 155) it is through an educative project: ' ' Education of the field as workmanship of the citizens of the field as scienter of cultural resistance of cultural transformations in sight of a humanizao more plena' '. The open professors the innovative ideas use practical if they transform into a creative activity, extending the educational knowledge of its pupils, stops beyond the school, therefore the creativity is basic in the life of the human being.

Rio De Janeiro

It was by means of these investigations that happened in August of 2005, in Rio De Janeiro the I National Meeting of Education of Biology (I ENEBIO), the same it had the intention of mapear trends in what it says respect to the contents and the methodologies applied for the professors who if had made gift in the meeting. They perceive that one of the subjects treat would be analysis of new methodologies and contents for applicability of the education of sciences biologias in the context of classroom. This article has in its essence the objective to ahead perceive of the society contemporary the main trends of the education of biology for the cultural and social formation of the professors and learning. Beyond the pretensions of the education of biology for the contemporaneidade, they still aim at to establish a relation with the teach-learning of educating for the fruition of the abilities and the abilities pointed for a understanding of biological sciences. In this constant diversity of ideas, the objective of this work is to develop significant methods and clarifying with vision in the bibliographical references that will consist of stages, having established two sections the development of the points historical of the pedagogical trends throughout the times in practical Brazil and an analysis of pedagogical used by professors in the modern times. THEORETICAL RECITAL 2 HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF the EDUCATION IN BRAZIL As the proposal at this moment is to make an analysis of the history of the trends in Brazil is necessary coming back in them toward three periods that had influenced education in this country, colonial, imperial and republican period, these had spread forts opinions in the field of the politics, the economy and in the partner-cultural one thus becoming, education one palco of quarrels on proposal that guided the educational ideas. In synthesis the colonial period has in its character the objective to implant a school of catequtico matrix, that is, an education directed toward instruction aiming at the interests of the Portuguese. .


As Vygottski (1998), the learning of the people is fruit of its interactions with the way, and is as soon as forms the people during all history. However a critical citizen does not appear of course, needs to be formed. This formation passes for the choice of an education model that prioritizes the learning with meaning and not it copy of mathematical contents. For Ausubel (1980) the learning alone is significant when it takes in account the cognitiva luggage of the pupil. Still supported in Vygottski (1998), we can affirm with security that the school has basic paper in this process, therefore oportuniza all the conditions to develop specific thoughts, as on thoughts to the development of the scientific concepts. The school has conditions to promote the development of the scientific and mathematical thought by means of the cultural experiences and of the appropriation of the conceptual thought, making with that the pupil advances in its understanding of the world from its consolidated development already, having as goal posterior stages, not yet reached.

For Demon (2000), the education must be defined as a process of formation and perfectioning of the ability human being while subject transforming description of its reality. With this, she is of utmost importance that the relation established in classroom is questionadora, so that if it obtains a formation of citizens competent and capable to reconstruct its reality and its proper knowledge. Where it does not appear the reconstructive questioning, the pertaining to school educative property does not emerge. However, if it cannot reduce the reconstructive questioning the simple formal ability of learning, but it is crucial to understand it as process of construction of the historical citizen that if it establishes in the happened ability of the innovative knowledge, but implies in the same matrix, the ethics of the historical intervention. (Demon, 2000, p.7) In this context, the Modeling in Ensino of mathematics comes if becoming a powerful instrument at the hands of professors and of pupils who if interest for if becoming citizens of a globalizado world that demands each time more differentiated abilities and abilities.