Cool Light

Refrigerator – squeezed – heated – expanded – cooled. Universe: squeezed – heated – exploded – expanded – Cool – absolutely vacuum, absolute zero. Galactic fridge? When the end our solar system theme? When all the planets are drawn into the sun, and it will shrink, explode? "Black hole" – a void on the ground "sucked" before the explosion, the star system or cooling the space after the explosion of a star? With the explosion of nuclear bomb is a frontal shock wave and a backward drawn, Suction schaya. (Again, absorption?) Represent the explosion of a star. Star supercompression sverhrazogretaya and shatters into dust, vacuum. From heating and expansion of the surrounding its stars together with their orbits and planetary-governmental systems should be apart, separate. Bernie Sanders is often quoted on this topic. At the beginning.

Then they should move, take the oc-reedom space, empty space, the orphaned orbit. Nature abhors a vacuum. From the explosion are radiation. If the light and X-rays are different speeds, we first see the light vuyu flash, then catch X-rays and "convergence" of other stars at the explosion site, "void". What idiot came up with "A black hole?" Explosion of a star – space heating – light flash – enlargement – the divergence of the surrounding stars – cooling – delay X-ray radiation to a distant observer – the descent of the stars in place emptiness. What does the hole? It would be better for the time difference of the light flash and the X-rays determined the distance to the explosion and its location, the coordinates of the explosion.

Planner Launcher

Who I am and that I’m doing? Your inner world controls your outer world. When you’ve convinced your internal world that you are excellent, you automatically become excellent. . Your homework have in the internal area, in private. He says your results. You have it in the present time, your subconscious mind can only be set in the present tense.

What you constantly think becomes your reality. What you think in this way becomes a belief. All beliefs have become a reality. You are in what you believe, your goal is a State of mind. Ultra Wellness Center will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The process is provided by your subconscious, the knows that to achieve the desired results. You subconscious is the plan to do so and your conscious running it.

One part is the Planner and the other the tool Launcher. The thinker thinks and the doer does. Your primary job is to define the goal and imagine owning it, then the Launcher to take control and will do so. You can have as many things as you can mentally OK. If you can see it then you can have it, you’ve got to give you permission to think big, you have to allow yourself to expand your horizons. If you’re in sales you have to think about acceptance. First yourself accepting you and then your customers by accepting you. Always in that order.When you accept you, they accept you. Your will be acceptable only if you think you are. Your self-esteem is the beginning and the end of everything you are and everything you will be. Expand, reinforce and enlarge your self-esteem can be one of the most important things you do in your life. You you always stay with two questions, who I am and what I’m doing. You can claim the two positions. Your future depends on it, a tool to achieve this are statements, do not forget that you create your own destiny.Do it now!


Many small and medium-sized enterprises for the production of plastics have been forced to suspend production or to continue to work with very low output. (3) Production of intermediate products has exceeded demand Judging from data on total supply and demand in the petroleum and chemical industry, crude oil production, organic chemical materials and synthetic materials, including PE, PVC and PP, as well as specialty chemicals, is unable to meet domestic demand and imports are needed. Nevertheless, the production capacity traditional sectors, such as the manufacture of inorganic salts, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, caustic soda, soda ash, dyes, pigments and rubber products that are redundant. Learn more at: Martin O’Malley. For In order to curb excessively rapid growth in exports and provide a greater trade surplus, China has lowered export rebate for intermediate products from July 1, 2007 This measure was aimed at forcing businesses to reduce exports of products with high power consumption, high pollution and high cost of resources, as well as products with low added value and low technology, and on the contrary, increase the export of products with high added value and high technology, change the orientation of investment and to avoid ill-considered investments, and education of excess capacity. 2 Trends in economic development of the petroleum and chemical industries in 2008 2008 is the year of change in the government of China. The economists make their forecasts about the development trends of world economy in 2008 Most of them believe that global growth will remain at 4.8% in 2008, however, it is possible that there will be some fluctuation and some slowdown in growth.

Leaning In The Womb

Studies have shown that the embryo begins to remember the sounds coming from the outside world to the third trimester, and can adapt to the characteristics of speech and music. Babies prefer the voice of their mothers and are able to distinguish between different emotional states (anger, joy), the tone of maternal speech. But even with that crumbs may perceive differences in language, was spread the idea that they are unable to voice such differences. Newborn babies are crying in their mother tongue! A new study published in the Current Biology, shows that this statement was erroneous. A team of researchers led by Kathleen Vermke (Kathleen Wermke) from the University of Wurzburg, Germany, recorded and analyzed the cries of 60 healthy infants aged three to five days. In recent months, Martin O’Malley has been very successful. Half of the babies were born in French-speaking families, while the other half in the home, speaking in German during the pregnancy. Surprisingly, the melodies of crying were significant differences.

The survey showed that French newborns often shouted from a rising intonation, while German kids – with "top-down", which is feature of each language. "In contrast to orthodox interpretations, these data support the idea of the importance of human newborns cry for securing the development of language" – the report says Vermke. This provision also confirmed the idea that the restrictions to the development of language skills at an early age may be more physical than cognitive. It has been demonstrated that babies can begin to imitate vowels sounds from the age of 12 weeks.

Federal District

In the perspective of the inclusive education, Resolution CNE/CP n1/2002, that it establishes the National Curricular Lines of direction for the Formation of Professors of the Basic Education, defines that the institutions of superior education must foresee in its curricular organization teaching formation come back toward the attention to the diversity and that contemplates knowledge on the especificidades of the pupils with educational necessities special. In 2003, the Ministry of the Education creates the Program Inclusive Education: right to the diversity, aiming at to transform the education systems into inclusive educational systems, that an ample process of formation of managers and educators in the Brazilian cities for the guarantee of the right of access of all promotes to the escolarizao, the organization of the educational attendance specialized and the promotion of the accessibility. In 2004, the Federal Public prosecution service divulges the document the Access of Pupils with Deficiency to the Schools and Common Classrooms of the Regular Net, with the objective to spread the world-wide concepts and lines of direction for the inclusion, being reaffirmed the right and the benefits of the escolarizao of pupils with and without deficiency in the common groups of regular education. In 2005, with the implantation of the Nuclei of Activity of the High Abilities/Superdotao NAAH/S in all the states and the Federal District, are formed centers of reference for the educational attendance specialized to the pupils with high abilities/superendowment, the orientation to the families and the continued formation to the professors. National, orientaes for organization of the politics of inclusive education in this area are spread referenciais and, of form to guarantee this attendance to the pupils of the net education public. The Convention on the Rights of the People with Deficiency, approved for the ONU in 2006, of which Brazil is signatory, establishes that the States Part must assure a system of inclusive education in all the education levels, in environments that maximize compatible the academic and social development with the goal of full inclusion, adopting measured to guarantee that the people with deficiency are not excluded from the educational system.

Quality Management

Analyzing done, you can be sure: the company has felt the usefulness of the qms, the further development of quality management in the organization is not in doubt. Lean production system "ordering", "benchmarking" – activities can be improved indefinitely, using best practices of Western engineering companies, drawing, thus, on their own results – but the start is definitely needed with the basics – with the introduction of the qms iso 9001. The above example shows the benefits of iso 9001 in a large engineering enterprise. But the standard is universal and can be used as small commercial companies, as embodied in the standard requirements apply to ensure the quality of virtually any activity for organizations of any size. This is precisely lies the popularity and applicability of iso 9001 – a possibility use it for profit companies at any level. Currently in Russia the number of organizations already certified and want to pass the certification increases fast enough. As the saying goes, there is a demand – Will offer. Service quality management systems certification offering foreign firms have already taken place and created a bona fide labor's own name domestic certification bodies, as well as domestic firms, whose existence is obviously not in the provision of quality services. Advertising proposals quickly and cheaply obtain the certificate – very much. But here we must understand that the value certificate obtained in such a way comparable to the cost of its production and neither of which really operating the qms in a company can not be considered.

The Child

However, the use of ict for employment with gifted children should be approached only with caution, there These children have very unique, as a rule, very vulnerable, mentally, and not all of them, along with high level of intellectual development, there is a high level of psychomotor and communication skills. Moreover, the existing defects in the child's communication, not only will not be overcome, and in contrast, may get worse. Gifted children are 'at risk' and in relation to harmful information, as the 'Internet addiction', 'computer gaming addiction', etc. At the same time, a reasonable and science-based approach to education and development of gifted children using the Internet, you can focus on the following priorities, which are easily viewed in the analysis of existing Currently online resources for gifted children, parents and teachers who work with them: using the Internet to disseminate information about the specifics of teaching gifted children, methodology, psychology, etc.; output for different target groups of interested readers, the creation of online communities of Internet users engaged in talent, search for and identification of gifted children, online testing, psychological and Methodological consulting assistance to families in which gifted children receive education at home, tele-education of gifted children, conducting various courses, individual classes, electives, research projects and programs; remote individual (mentoring) support for gifted students, etc. 3.Primenenie results of joint cooperation at this stage is evaluation of the activity of the student and teacher. Objective assessment of the level of student achievement is intended for:-getting objective information about the results achieved by students learning activities and their degree of compliance with educational standards, identifying positive and negative trends in the work of the teacher;-establish the reasons for increasing or decreasing the level of student achievement to subsequent correction of the educational process.

Speech Development Of Children Through Familiarization With Children’s Folklore

The leading component of popular culture, of great educational value, is folklore – folklore that exists in the form of fairy tales, proverbs, riddles and song art. Folklore as historically specific form of popular culture does not remain constant, but evolves with the development of the people, choosing all the value that existed before, and displaying the new social changes. Folklore has always original and modern. That's why he has kept the educational function and now. Folklore can be used in the educational process in pre-school children as well as in the days of our grandparents. Tatar folklore is an example of high poetry of the nation. He absorbed the age-old wisdom of the people, of great artistic value.

Familiarizing children to Tatar folklore is one of the conditions of education in They love their country, their people, their culture. Based on folklore formed horizons child develop his intellectual, aesthetic, moral education. Ably selected proverbs teach morality of our society, convey the knowledge gained over the centuries. In the education of preschool children, I use a wide Tatar children's folklore. The selection of folklore based on the following principles: availability of content preschool children, cognitive and moral significance, the possibility of forming on the basis of their ability to "feel" the world around us.

People for a long time saving up experience in establishing links between objects of nature and the human world. Con Edison will not settle for partial explanations. This experience has clothed them in the form of signs, proverbs, riddles, songs, stories, etc. Signs allowed our ancestors to anticipate what will be the harvest, "guess" the weather in the near future, find your way home.


Choose the right study guide will help you shop assistant. Be sure to read the book on foreign language, or, if I can get the periodicals in the language you are studying. Do not forget to use a dictionary, through which can translate and then learn new words that you encountered in the reading. Remember, vocabulary – one of the most important foundations in language learning. The more you know the words, the more you express yourself or understand conversation. Also very effective is listening to audio books. When opportunities please create a friendly correspondence with someone for whom you are studying the language – native.

Written speech – not least in language learning. Here, in the writing of certain words, including visual memory, and you easier to remember words that are encountered in writing letters. Begin to study the history of the country whose language you teach. So you learn not only interesting historical facts and many new and interesting, but also be able to dive deeper into language, thus it is better to feel. If possible, we can advise you to travel, it is natural to a country where they speak the language that you choose to learn. Language environment – an excellent practice and the best way maximum dip in the language! Do not put a goal to learn the language pieces and stages.

Ideally, of course, understand that you are most like and which do best, and give it most of the time. But at the same remember that the monotony of the same is not good. Do not focus on one lesson, for example, reading. Try to do everything at once, and a bit of everything. Vocabulary, phonology (pronunciation), grammar and rules of construction proposals, oral and written language. If you set a goal, you will definitely achieve it! Just do not treat language learning as the heavy lifting on a high mountain, which you will, despite all the difficulties conquer, striving to the top. In this case, you'll be a long time "stamp at the foot of" not knowing what side to go. Attitude towards the issue of language learning easier, as it were, playfully, and then you will certainly succeed!

Portuguese Language

It is necessary to add in a similar way that the language and grammar are not equivalent, that language and Normative Grammar also not. Since the Normative Grammar corresponds only to a part of the internalizada grammar. Not he doubts of that we must teach the Normative Grammar in the lessons of Portuguese Language, even so let us know perfectly that it does not teach nobody to speak, to read and to write with precision. In this Uchoa direction (2007, p.24) it says in them that: The grammar by itself, evidently is not enough for the practical learning of the language, because knowing to speak of a language it is not alone to have grammatical ability (domain of rules) corresponding to this language. The duty of the school is to teach offering it to the pupil conditions to acquire ability in accordance with to use it the lived deeply situation. It is not with grammatical theory that it will materialize its objective, therefore this takes the students to the disinterest for the study of ngua, for not having conditions to understand the content given in classroom, thus resulting frustrations, reprovaes and recriminations that initiate for the proper school the linguistic preconception.

We consider that the grammar must not be had as an only truth, absolute and finished, its concepts is that they must be reevaluated to adjust itself to the functioning of ngua, considering contextualizadas activities. The professor must search new forms to approach the grammar. To be more dynamic, giving to the content of reflexiva form in contextualizadas activities, interdiciplinares, individual or collective of form that the pupil can know the varieties of the language through research, in which they involve reading and literal production, in such a way will construct its proper linguistic knowledge. The education of grammar in the schools if has summarized only in classifying terms in untied phrases, in which the pupils do not obtain to establish no relation of functioning, that is in real situations.