Our conjunct is a dialogue that we have with God, is simple thus! The God and not to the men prays! ' ' E, when to pray, you are not as the hypocritical ones; therefore they are comprazem in praying in foot in the synagogues, and to the esquinas of the streets, to be seen for the men. In I say you to truth that already they had received its reward. But you, when to pray, enter in yours you retire e, closing your door, however your Father who is in private; your Father, whom it sees in private will reward, you public. E, praying, you do not use of vain repetitions, as the heathen ones, that they think that by very speaking they will be heard you do not resemble yourselves, therefore, they; because your Father knows what you it is necessary, before you asking for it to it. Therefore, it will pray thus: Father ours, that you are in skies, santificado either your name; He comes your kingdom, either made your will, thus in the land as in the sky; The bread ours of each day in the ones of today; pardons us our debts, as well as us pardons our debtors; you do not induce in them to the temptation; but it exempts us of the evil; because yours it is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Because, if to pardon to the men its offences, also your celestial Father will pardon you you; If, however, not to pardon to the men its offences, also your Father will not pardon you yours ofensas.' ' Mateus 6:5 – 15 the conjunct is very bigger of what I thought, It is our direct dialogue with God where in we express the Creator, we are heard and we get significant answers. In the conjunct process we have some varieties: 1.