
According to a study conducted by a group of European researchers, men transmit significantly smoking to their sons, while women his daughters. The study throws the same way an interesting result: the fact that the mother smoke does not appear to affect the probability that the son smoke, or vice versa. This research is based on data from the survey Panel homes British 1944-2002. According to the researchers, that selected data source since it outlined in detail products consumed in households, including tobacco, allowing analysis of the intergenerational transmission of cigarette smoking. This research was conducted in households with both parents present, and single-parent households (those headed by mothers primarily). According to Maria Loureiro, co-author of the study, the results obtained show that in terms of smoking habits is concerned, and after having checked the socio-economic variables, tobacco prices and the location of the home, the daughters tend to imitate their mothers, and sons their fathers. In conclusion, the importance of these results from a point of view of design and public policy to combat smoking is clear. Those that successfully reduce smoking fathers and mothers will directly affect their descendants.

Bach for Children

Dr. Bach floral essences Act energy level enhancing the positive mood States and creating a sense of well-being. Therapeutic treatment with Bach Flowers is innocuous and harmless so it can be administered to children with complete peace of mind even to infants. In children the flowers of Bach act more quickly because there is no resistance because it is new beings that have not had time of accumulating frustrations and disorders as an adult, so it can benefit with this soft floral therapy to alleviate problems such as: shyness: that is a common response in children in adapting to the social environment. If this behavior occurs on a recurring basis, the MIMULUS helps overcome shame and fear. Aggressiveness: Those children who seek attention with temper tantrums, are disobedient or rebels may use the vine which is a remedy that helps to use his qualities as a positive leader.

Do pee in the bed: in this case the cause of your stress should find out. If wants to draw attention CHICORY allows you to feel more independent, if you have nightmares or restless floral remedies most useful may be RESCUE REMEDY, ROCK ROSE, or CHERRY PLUM. Loss: The loss of a parent, a friend or an animal are critical situations. GENTIAN helps overcome the discouraged, STAR OF BETHLEHEM to make the duel and seal wounds. Etcetera as well: learning problems. Jealousy. Irregularities in the dream.

Changes in their routines. And other disorders to choose the floral formula is important to take into account the personality of the child, that is what determines the response to conflict situations and potentially stressful, although we can not forget about specific problems that is going through the child; change in mood due to external situations or personal discomfort. Bach flower therapy seeks that the child can communicate with its environment. The floral therapist is responsible for helping to restore this communication. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and to observe what they want us to say that with children is a non-verbal language that must be observed to achieve greater precision in selecting the floral formula that will allow the child overcome difficulty and achieve a State of emotional fullness.

How to Stop Bullying

There are many different responses to bullying. When a group is bullying a kid, there are three typical responses: the kid who just walks away, the kid who stands by and does nothing and the kid who cheers on. We want to introduce a fourth response: the kid who ends the bullying by telling a grown up. Sometimes there is that kid, but too often there isn’t and the bullied kid just keeps on getting bullied.
The kid who takes action to stop bullying is the one who tells a grown up. It needs to be taught to kids everywhere that telling a grown up about such a situation is indeed a heroic act. It is this action that can stop the bullying.
Awareness needs to be developed. Kids need to understand what is right and wrong and kids need to know how they can react in such a situation.