First rule: you are irreplaceable, do not exist another equal prescription its, do not exist another copy, the secret of its life you are exclusive, as well as, its feelings, acts, thoughts and etc. How the key of the opening of your encantamento is inside of you, as is treating its body? Its mind? Its heart? It would be good for reflecting on this. You know that the LOVE is the most powerful and unknown force of the world? How is felt when somebody praises to it? When the person whom she looks of the attention of educated form e> patient? He thinks and he observes this situation. The encantamentos of the life are in the simple gestures of the daily one. All like to receive a compliment, with rare exceptions, all we need from attention, affection and hug and as much other things that with the sincere feeling of donation our being only fills. It is concentrated in the positive, it smiles for the people, it compliments them of positive form, it evaluates the strong points with that they encircle and removes the judgment thoughts, to perceive that the people smile for you, they observe its attitudes they will support and it in impensveis acts, when the heart and the thought are encircled with images, preconceptions and judgments meaningless, the life is empty, depressive and conflituosa. One remembers that to dream it is necessary, as you would desire that its life was? The life enchants in them when in we donate it to them, or either, from the moment where we dedicate part of our life, of our time and feelings for the next one, therefore if it desires if to enchant with the life, plants sementinhas magical of the compassion, them is inside of its heart, does not have shyness in its acts, but it remembers that all the seeds sprout and transform into pretty flowers that they will make of your garden a work of art, think about this!