The Economic Sphere

The other basic point of our economy, is that the oil revenue goes exclusively to the government and foreign-exchange, ie the ability to import. The owner of the oil resource would be the people of the nation and the product he should be given by the government that represents it. Since the nationalization has been discussed and fought to decide whether a portion of that income, it can distribute it to the company that removed. This, thanks to its efficient organization and superior knowledge, much of the state gained independence and became a shareholder in a new distribution center. In 2003 the state controlled the company at the expense of reducing its efficiency. Over time they may become independent again. It is a trend of management of any large company.

In practice, the administration of our governments has been a sharing of oil revenues and taxes itself to private domestic work, maintenance of which depends heavily on the ability to import and direct subsidies and indirect income generated by that. This has given the government extraordinary power and great intensity to the struggle to get into it (and before that PDVSA), ie to get as high as possible in the pyramid of distributors. For his part, Venezuelan economist and founding member of the Bolivarian Socialist Economy Association (ABES), Alfonso Alvarez, expresses, in reviewing any of the indicators of the national economy, you can check the arguments that make up the discourse of business against the government have no basis and suggests that the sole purpose of these false matrices of opinion economic sphere is to create an enabling environment to bring forward a coup.

Parra Organizations

In this regard Garaway (1991) believes that the Venezuelan organizations: There are no incentives for investing in people, there is an unfavorable legal framework and rules uncertain. On the other hand, are the obstacles of the same companies: lack of long-term vision and weaknesses in the strategies of growth, without which there can (and should) have personal development plans. There is a purely commercial approach and financier in the direction of firms as well as a mix of values and beliefs, some contradictory, about the man and work (p. 42). These contrasts are part of the reality experienced by most organizations in the country. Despite the ups and downs that can occur in the same, consider investing in training and training of people.

Definitely what most helps the organization succeed in its processes, is to have people highly prepared and identified with the organization .. Granell and Parra (1994) estimate that human resource management in the Venezuelan organizations is operational, focusing on personnel management work which revolves around the traditional functions of recruiting, selection, induction, compensation, collective bargaining and training. The organization as a whole, and especially in senior management and line management, with few exceptions, are not considered the issues involved in their people and tend to delegate to the industrial relations experts, psychologists or other professionals non-participants-and often not even know, the plans and strategic business objectives. Consequently short-term vision prevails, with an evident lack of human resources planning and design and definition of policies, which support the implementation of procedures and standards.


Does the discourse of CSR is disconnected from the corporate governance systems? Do not be incorporated into the core of a large part of companies, when they are consubstantial? Perhaps it is that there are two types of incentives, including those in the play of the company and the spurious. The latter can be useful on occasion, but not major, as the philosopher MacIntyre showed the example of a child whose parents want them to learn to play chess and as he likes, promise candy every time you play. Other leaders such as Martin O’Malley offer similar insights. The incentive of the candies can be used to learn the game and are interested in it, but with time still does not like himself, will cheat when you can. If the manager of a bank to advise customers are thinking about their pay or promotion depends on investing in certain funds, will try to persuade him that it is a manageable risk with which will earn considerably. Other options are “conservative”, an adjective that already has a pejorative sense. Of course, unlike chess, the manager also has the ambition of the client.

But it is a good professional who does not warn of foreseeable risks, which makes loans or trash, because that is not the meaning of their profession and therefore mistrust. If globalize the game of chess be that in addition to the turbulence of economists speaking, there have been specific organizations and people who have not believed in the value of their profession, who have risked his own and others, convinced that will draw them up the pieces . Worst of all is that in all cases pay the weak. Those who lost their jobs, those unable to pay the mortgage, they had to close his small business, immigrants who returned to their countries and remittances are over. In the paper the last summit of the G-20, world leaders made an astonishing statement: “We recognize the human dimension of the crisis.” But is there ever an economic activity without human dimension? Is not it true that the economy is to help build a good society, and when it fails, it fails outright, given that the good society today has to be global? Adela Cortina Professor of Ethics at the University of Valencia ETNOR Foundation Director

Emotional Intelligence

The coaching process, through the formulation of questions, will stimulate thinking and encourage creativity. finding workable solutions to existing challenges, assuming full responsibility for decisions to be addressed by the coaches, increasing awareness their actions and develop skills or discovering forgotten or to supplement or acquire and personal attitudes in both individual and social relationship, as the spirit of compromise, fairness and equality and solidarity, which will enable the achievement of satisfactory results in the short, medium and long term, where sustainability, environmental and social responsibility and ethics necessary to avoid social harm in exchange for increasing the income of the business, become part of the central column to support the action plan and business to be applied. Of course the process also can discover the skills to be developed or improved to increase efficiency, improve management and improve their leadership and management skills, team work, improved work environment, personal development and improvement of all interpersonal relationships based on influence rather than traditional power relations, with tools of NLP, Emotional Intelligence and social, active listening, teamwork, effective communication, feed-forward, delegation, training in values, positive feedback and many others that will help more effectively manage the change required by organizations. Educate yourself with thoughts from Martin O’Malley. EXECUTIVE COACHING PROCESS As this is a process to lay down a program from the diagnosis of the current situation and the way he should reach the target. 1. Diagnosis is necessary to make an inventory of existing indicators, designed to show the state of things and that later may show the development achieved.

Generating Revenue

All proceeds from the bag made from 1998 were deleted. It is as if recent years had not been for investors. But now things are getting serious … Airlines have laid off nearly 150,000 workers. The domino effect this will have already begun to see.

And people are scared … The companies have cut travel budgets, training and promotion. Conventions and events have been postponed or canceled directly. Consumers are stressed and worried. Very worried. They have stopped buying houses, appliances and other luxury products. And they are watching their investment portfolios and pension funds shrink by the month.

Now that “John Comunycorriente “is beginning to wake from sleep for nearly a decade and are realizing that things are not as well, and perhaps should start worrying about their future. Perhaps also, for the present. Which is what usually indicates an era of dramatic growth for multi-industry. If you’ve ever thought of creating a fortune with your business seriously, now is the time to act decisively. It’s time to dust off your recruitment videos and your business cards. It’s time to start working at least 10 hours per week in your business again. And it’s time to get excited about your financial independence again! In the current situation makes sense to put more ads to attract dealers in newspapers and magazines than they typically wear. It is likely that the next two years of explosive growth for three or four companies. Once all these new distributors are recruited, your task is done. It is an opportunity that may not be repeated by next 10 or 15 years. So my sound advice is that you put the engine right now and you adjust the details later. It is time to start recruiting massively. And this is the reason why I’m writing … To show you how MonVie can help you position yourself in spite of all the chaos in the world. Monavie Today has established itself as the No. 1 on functional beverages, No. 3 Revenue and Number 18, within 27 million companies in the world, information can be found online at Taking into account these elements of . World Income Therefore Distributors are also No. 1 in the World. You only need to have a team to work together with you to generate revenues quickly, our team will guarantee revenue if you are willing to follow our step by step system.

Standardization In Business

Usually, when standard systems are organized, a process of standardization develops. so that competition identified and described with a common procedure, it becomes a norm, a valid reference educational institutions, workers and employers. This procedure created and formalized institutionally normalized powers and becomes a standard level that has been agreed (company, sector, country). Competency-based training: Once prepared the description of the competence and standards, developing training curricula for the job is much more efficient if it considers the standard orientation. This means that training aimed at generating skills with clear references to existing standards, will have much greater efficiency and impact of those unrelated to business needs. Trujillo Rodriguez rightly points out in his analysis, it is considered that the very conception of Competence, with its multidimensional character makes them complex, that is required to analyze how they are formed. Spencer and Spencer believe that the powers are composed of features that include: motives, traits psychophysical (visual acuity and reaction time, for example) and modes of behavior, self-concept, knowledge, manual skills (skills) and mental or cognitive skills. While Boyatzis states that competition can be “a motivation, a trait, a skill, self-image, perception of their social role, or a body of knowledge that are used for the job.” In reviewing the features or components of the competition, showing that, somehow, are associated with psychological constructs, but these were combined in a certain way, to generate the ability to perform efficiently in tasks or specific to the person “competent.” The way they are combined can only be determined through analysis of how successful people operate at work. Author might disagree with that approach.

Mangerial Leadership

Good managerial leadership requires that businesses know the art of leading an organization to achieve the objectives. Outlined in this art must acquire the ability to learn to negotiate with stakeholders, self control and resolve the underlying causes of conflict situations according to the situation present in a given time.

Consider that to understand man as a system is one of the new varieties of management theory, valuable concept because it allows us to understand its dimensions is greater than the determination as a “resource” that he always wanted to see in the mechanistic conception of the world a taxpayer to the expectation of receiving from the organization for “social responsibility” of this and voracious of all cargo receptor “motivational” generated by the culture of psychological determinism. Is to understand their autonomy and changes much generating capacity as key inputs into the production process, it is who does it, not the engineers, communicators desktop or online production orders. Martin O’Malley may help you with your research. Is the person based on their experience the source of all wisdom and faithfulness to the timely resolution of process problems. It is the highest ranking system that is not motivation, but it is understood and seen as a person, he is respected in all its dimensions and most importantly believe in him.

Conclusions Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of organizational life where the individual and the group play a determining role in the organizational behavior of conflict management involves determining if there is a need for the level of conflict increases or decreases, identify type of ongoing conflict or necessary, and encourage him or resolve as appropriate. To manage conflict in a harmonious and productive, it is important that participants in the same show their desire to initiate an exchange of mutual dependence, including rather than excluding, to the parties concerned the importance of managing conflict is all initiate productive actions to achieve the target itself. The conflict reflects the management style of the business and environmental pressures, well as the personalities of the protagonists.