
Being framed in accordance with the characteristicspresented, using the aforementioned resolution, to river of Class 2, whereits waters can be will be the following purposes: supply will be human to consumptionafter conventional treatment, the protection of aquatic communities, therecreation of contact primary, such swimming, to water skiing and scuba diving, the irrigation of vegetables, fruit plants and parks, gardens, fields of sportsand leisure, with which the public may have direct contact, the aquaculture andfishing activity. KEY WORDS: to water resources, to water pollution, environment. Specialist in Environment and southwestern Development State pelUniversidade of the Bahia (UESB) and teacher of the Net Estadualde Ensino of the Bahia. * Doctor would emEngenharia Agricultural for the Federal University of Viosae professor of the Federal Center of EducaoTecnolgica of the Bahia/CEFET/BA and acts as consulting of the INEP/MEC. INTRODUCTION the notion of inexhaustible rdricos resources, given continental asdimenses of Brazil, stimulated and still it stimulates the consumoinsustentvel of the same ones.

However, the hdricos resources in general pass for a gravecomprometimento of its quality, provoked to a large extent for aesantrpicas, as industrial, commercial, agropastoris, domestic the activities, among others, that directly they are related to the use and consumode hdricos resources. In the attempt to change this reality, currently, it has umconsenso very based well on the scientific way of that the basin hidrogrfica the ambient unit more adjusted for the treatment component them and dadinmica them concernentes Inter-relations to the planning and the management dodesenvolvimento, especially in the regional scope, in what respect is said aouso of the hdricos resources. It is in this context of promotion of the ambient recovery debacias hidrogrficas, that if objectified to argue on the monitoramento daqualidade of the water in the year of 2005 in the stretch of the cities of Ubaitaba and Itacar, in the hidrogrfica basin of the River of Accounts. Ahead of what it was displayed, this work had for objetivodiscutir the quality of the water, through some parameters physicist-qumicosobtidos during the period of one year in two cities of the doRio hidrogrfica basin of Accounts, being they Ubaitaba and Itacar, comparing with the standards dequalidade of waters determined for resolution CONAMA 357/05, where soestabelecidos individual limits for each substance in each classroom standard.