Pearls to the children salmo 91, in the first versicle says: ' ' That one that inhabits in the hiding place of Highest to the shade of the Onipotente descansar' '. This verse backwards one has detached incredible for who has interest in resting to the shade of God. However, nor all have the interest in resting to the shade of the Highest one. The great majority has an only interest: to receive something from God and to leave running Therefore, to rest to the shade of the Highest one suggests to remain, to be, to wait, to live, to hear To enter and to leave running the Shade of God, really will not decide the problem completely. The person can until being blessed by having entered in contact with this presence of the Highest one, however if not to remain In it, will not advance nothing! It will not know, only perceives it its hands that cure, that they bless, but will not know it, because it does not have interest in knowing it.
They only want something of God, and is alone. In contrast to this missed motivation, God desires that let us remain in its dwelling, in its presence. Therefore, the Salmo says: That one. This word is specifies, indicates somebody that has interest in passing time with the Father, somebody that has an apprentice heart. Being thus, the demonstrative proname ' ' aquele' ' , it indicates a person, and not everybody, only to a person interested in the address of God, is not related the opportunists who only want to be blessed, but that one that will has to know it, those that have desire in inhabiting, in hiding in the heart of the Highest one. These are the ones that obtain to attract the attention of God, these obtain to find rest. This is not incredible? Already it thought thus? Golden Oswaldo