Institutional organization The institutional framework for the management of national water resources is fragmented. The lead agency responsible for managing water resources at national level is the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG). In 2008, the Peruvian government created the National Water Authority, an organization attached to MINAG, absorbing the Administration of Water Resources, which was previously under the control of INRENA. The National Water Authority (ANA) is responsible for designing and implementing national policies on sustainable water resources and irrigation.(Andean) Other sectoral ministries have interference on the management of water resources: Agriculture by irrigation, Housing, Construction and Sanitation for the use of water for domestic consumption, Health for water quality, Commerce and Tourism for the hot springs and Minerals, Energy and Mines for hydropower and mining operation, the Council of Ministers on policies on the environment, energy and water tariffs and services regulation, and Defense by hydroclimatic information. (Commission) Regional governments are not responsible for water management. This represents a challenge for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at basin level, as the administrative boundaries of regions are not necessarily those of river basins. An additional obstacle is that regional governments are young – established in 2003 – and lack the technical capacity and human resources necessary to carry out integrated water resources management.The Technical Administration of Irrigation District (ATDR) today Local Water Authority (ALA) is the authority responsible for managing water, to ensure the water rights and allocating water among different users. The ATDRs have a greater presence and importance in the coastal zone. Finally, other actors who were involved in the management of water resources at local level were: (i) four Watershed Autonomous Authorities (Jequetepeque, Chira-Piura, Lambayeque and Chancay-Chillon-Rimac-Lurin and Santa), (ii ) eight local offices of the Department of Environmental Health (DIGESA) responsible for water quality and (iii) Water User Boards are private partnerships with public financiemiento responsible for the operation and maintenance of infrastructure under irrigation.