Already he thought if the Planetary Christ was not Ecumenical? How It could command people of diverse religious ramifications, politics, philosophical, scientific, sportsmen, artistic? ' ' The unit is the variety and the variety in the unit is the Supreme Law of the Universo' '. Isaac Newton? Physicist, Mathematician and English Astronomer. Having called its twelve disciples, gave to them to Jesus authority on dirty espritos to expel them and to cure all luck of illnesses and diseases. Michael Chabon is full of insight into the issues. Evangelho de JESUS according to Mateus, CAP. 10:1.
Exaltado one more will say: But, twelve were alone. Perhaps for a University that It sent to this Orbe twelve it has only chosen and one alone one chair? Clearly that not! All have the right to learn. who is not its disciple? If it is in the Planet that It created is pupil Of it wanting or not. to all JESUSES grants to the same duties and rights: To cure illnesses and diseases and to expel dirty espritos, that is, to pass to the others what it learned of Good stop to cure it to them ignorance and to expel males that unfortunate persons moved away from the Moral Laws of the Planetary CHRIST become them. DUTY OF ALL E, to the measure that to follow, you nail that he is next the kingdom to skies. Evangelho de JESUS according to Mateus, CAP. 10:7. Perhaps somebody enters in the Facultieses, to learn missed thing, to conquer the hell? With all certainty it does not look this.
Then, it is the kingdom of the skies that all are looking for. All the Good is GOD; the opposite, is the inversion of all its Goods. The MISSION OF the PROFESSORS Here it is that I you sending eat sheep for the way of wolves; headquarters, therefore, cautious as the serpents and smplices as the doves.