(Online article) – the singer supported the enlightenment of leukemia and leukemia is still a serious disease, even deadly ending in some cases Knoche mark donations. Many can be saved only through a bone marrow transplant. Now a superstar has written at the top this issue on the CAP. There is talk of Rihanna. The singer has now expressed their dismay about, that there is still too little bone marrow donor.
Many more people could be saved by an increase in the bone marrow donations. Stem cells bring the body energy and healthy cells are preserved in the bone marrow. Thus, you could increase the chance of healing in the individual patient. And exactly want Rihanna. She teamed up now with the world’s largest organisation, the DKMS, to draw the attention of the people on this topic. The case, the 41 Lisa Gershowitz Flynn has particularly hit.
By the singer have 5000 people on a possible Compliance test can be, and it succeeded. A donor could be found, with the required conformity to the donation is ready. The patient now prepares for the transplant. She says: “I don’t but know is my guardian angel, but I’m incredibly grateful to him.” Our language gives us no word to express my gratitude in words. I thank all who have made this all possible. It is great to know that family, friends and even complete strangers never gave up hope. I hope that my story will be an incentive for a lot more donors. My life was saved thanks to my family and my donor. Please help to save life, let you test yourself.” Rihanna has addressed an important issue which should interest all of us, because it can affect anyone. Can test and register. Save lives. Lisa Walters