In recent years, parents, teachers and specialists we focusing in particular on children who by nature are considered latosos.a Restless, impulsive, aggressive , etc. a ustedesa Some have begun to enter the subject and there has heard of ADD Attention Deficit Disorder with and without hyperactivity. to anxiety, fear and ignorance generally have often lead to uncertainty about both the educators and the parents of fAmilia.a to A home and family dynamics you have noticed that the child usually can not sit a quieto.a seems to be no quiet moments at home. Start to You worry about the reasons that cause the condition. questions like: a “a a What is the disorder? a “a a Who will go? a “a a How diagnosticaa a ” a why some children develop it and others not? a “a a What will happen in the future? a “a a How you can help at school and at home? a “QUA IS AD? a neuropsychological status is UNAA compleja.a a The observaa an alteration in the way of information the brain nervous.
a not have a simple single cause. A to Y is characterized by: a “a Short Term idea attention. a “Common distractions a ” a Impulsivity a “a a Hyperactivity SADT may occur associated with other problems include: a Emotional a “a a Behaviour a ” a DEA learning: academic difficulties a “a a Family a ” a Social.