Currently credit card market has reached a certain saturation, and to further issue credit cards to the masses requires new methods of attracting customers. One such method is the mailing list credit cards. What in practice represents a given method? Client on his mailing address comes envelope containing directly, very plastic card and how to activate this card. If you would like to know more then you should visit Bernie Sanders. The client decide what to do. Several options: you can activate the card and use it for their own purposes, to throw cards or pass card to the bank who sent it. Knowing mintalitet Russian man, we can assume that He made one of the first two options. All is good, but there are 'reefs'. First, our legislation does not prohibit the activation of the card through a mobile phone that can be used by hackers. Secondly, the customer is not informed about hidden fees for the issue, maintenance, full interest rate on the loan and more. On the other hand, there are negative points for the banks themselves. In our country, the population has not come yet realization that the credit card is a multifunctional tool of monetary settlements, because the customer can pay for goods or services without leaving home, on many credit cards, there are affiliate programs that allow cardholders to receive numerous bonuses and discounts in stores. Many in our country have the cards, but for many credit cards is just a means to come of their wages. By Experts say most of the population is not ready for this service, and the legislative framework, alas, too.