Overcomes Shyness Before Having Children

Being shy is not measured the true scope of this condition. Always look at it from the perspective of the consequences that has for oneself. After all, it is a story of constant frustration. If someone asks what is the cause if not happy it is not necessary to count all the failures that have been. Suffice it to say a word: shyness. However, our fears have a reach beyond us. Someday if still we are not, we will be parents. And we have in our hands the fresh mud of our children.

We can mould them if we have enough wisdom to do so. It will be the divine opportunity to build their characters as we have dreamed. That way we will feel proud of that little boy or little girl that corretea by the House and is related to intelligence. Won’t have to lament the fate that we couldn’t have raced a part of our lives. But does not inherit the shyness? You don’t have at least one strong hereditary component that is transmitted through genes? If our children life holds for the same or worse suffering than ours thanks to shyness will be very unhappy. Fortunately, not everything in this world is so terrible. I’m tired of seeing bolder and developed people who precisely are the daughters of shy parents. They were lucky enough not to inherit such difficulties.

Although somewhat obvious it is that they do contain a genetic contribution from both parents. Then why are they not shy? The reason is that their parents have been able to avoid it. And the best way to do this is to know what are the reasons that make a person have social difficulties. Mastering these factors will not only that you can protect your children from failure and social void. It also allows you to achieve a greater understanding of what a ti te has affected. It is a proven fact that there are educational styles that produce shy children. No matter the inheritance from the parents. The fundamental is the experience that the child lives in the household during the first 10 years of life. Shyness can be overcome, thousands of people have done so. And it’s worth knowing the factors that determine it. Us It will serve to combat it and to prevent it in our children.

Wholesale Wood

One megawatt of power is enough to fully meet the production room with hot water and heating. Solved the problem of utilization of MDF and particleboard, as an entity had serious misunderstanding with the environmental Services on this issue. The simplest and most obvious way to make a profit – is to sell crushed fraction in companies that produce particleboard and briquettes – for combustion in boilers housing or for export. Cost per chip cubic meter is about 500 rubles. Price may vary depending on the quality of chips and the region. Chip quality is determined by the size and homogeneity of the fractions, wet wood chips.

In principle, this market is so empty that, typing in search engine "wood chips", you will get dozens of offers to purchase. Even more common offers to purchase fuel briquettes. For Wholesale price for wood pellets is 30 to 50 rubles per 10 kg. At the same time fuel briquette is sufficiently profitable fuel. For example, the calorific value of briquettes -4795 kcal per 1 kg, and peat -3200 kcal lignite – 4300 kcal of coal, including anthracite -4600 kcal per 1 kg. Fuel pellets smaller than all other fuels affect the environment: the combustion of brown coal occurs 40% ash, black coal – 20% ash, and the combustion of wood pellets – only 0.5-1% of the ash from the burned fuel. When burning wood produced as much carbon dioxide as is spent for tree growth. Thus, the observed zero balance for carbon dioxide, not increasing emissions of greenhouse gases.


Both for adults and for children, a move means new things, progress, a country, or a new city to know. It can be a process associated with a painful situation, for example a separation or a reduction in space by economic problems, etc. Anyone that is the case, the move implies farewells. We leave things behind, times ugly and cute both for adults and for children, a House with own smell, with corners to play, etc. That is why it is very important to discuss the subject with children so that this does not take them by surprise and they can prepare well as saying goodbye to, either your room, your friends, etc. A mudanzaimplica a change and changes often destabilize; in fact, sometimes we have to act very fast because they surprise us and we have no other. However, it is best think about it carefully and organize themselves. When we moved we have the opportunity to learn new things, spaces and people.

We have the opportunity to grow and to encourage this have to prepare ourselves. Tell him to children as to why and when moving begins by explaining what is a moving and how is performed, as well as whether there will be changes with regard to persons with will to live. If you divorciaste explain to you if you are going to live with you or your former partner and do not forget to tell you if the person who cares for them will change. Show you what will be the new home. You can use photos or making a drawing of how it is.

If the move is to another country or to a place far away from the residence, tell them will be like that place, things will be the same and what things are not. Explain where it will be its fourth and if going to share or not with someone. If you move to a larger House and children no longer have company for sleeping, said them. In the case of the change of school, it would be good children is fired from his companions and to make a preliminary visit to learn about the new school. They will also need to bid farewell to his friends in the neighborhood or club. Tell them what usual activities will no longer do. You should not make changes in furniture or toys for young children, since they may feel disoriented. Better make gradual changes. Enough time to adapt to a change at the same time. Try to keep routines, this will help children feel more secure. Older children can participate the day of the move. Arriving at the new home get a tour and show them where things are. Sometimes children may have some demonstrations in reaction to the change (fever, tantrums, problems) at school. This is normal because it is his way of processing the new situation, although if persist these manifestations take them to a child psychologist evaluate what happens.

Childrens Rooms

Via: Ideas Guillen Blog with ideas of interior decoration. 1 – Choose the lacquered furniture with non-toxic paints and rounded edges. 2 – Choose with ingrown nails instead of shooters. If it is not possible, opt for the larger handle in case of detachment, they can not be swallowed by the child. 3 – Drawers containing built-in guides metal so that they cannot fall upon the child opens them. 4 – Put safety locks on cabinet doors so that you can not open them. 5 – Crib must have adjustable handrail height and with safety lock. In addition, we have to use a cot protector to avoid that the child be hit with the balusters.

6-Do not use pillow in the crib of the baby until it can flip itself. In this way, we will eliminate risk of suffocation. When we go to buy the pillow, choose it flat, anti-allergic and washable. 7 – Always use protective plugs and cubreradiadores. 8 – Be very careful with the shade tapes and never leave within reach of the child, the cords of curtains. 9 – Use door stop to prevent that the door of the room be closed by a stream of air. 10-Never leave a child car seat or any type of object that could raise the child near a window. 11 Choose the dishes and reso of utensils made of plastic materials, instead of glass or ceramic.

Public Events For Drug Abuse Prevention

Measures against drug addiction is not one of the methods of social work makes a return, as the activities carried out directly with young people. After all, personal contact, opportunity to answer each question personally and as quickly as possible – all factors that make any social event, including activities to prevent drug abuse as effective. The most important factor success of such events on drug prevention in the fact that specialists in substance abuse and related fields can communicate personally with young people who care about this issue. Make a step towards those who is in a difficult situation on the brink of temptation to try and awareness of the dire consequences of drug abuse. Unlike virtual preventive measures real action undertaken in schools, universities, schools for troubled teens can share real practical experiences. Activities to prevent drug abuse in the community for youth at risk – a real chance to show that society has not turned away from their immediate problems.

This is an opportunity to make clear that the adult generation is ready to go forward, ready to listen and ready to help. Actually carried out by various public organizations, one of which is the World League “Reason out drug “and its project – anti-drug Internet competition,” Maya “- activities for drug remains in the memory of the target audience for quite a long time. Naturally, provided that it is done well, it is interesting and relevant. Unquestionable advantage of ongoing “live” social activities for drug addiction – big public outcry. The fame of such anti-drug activities in the community of young people will help young people not turn on a curve path dependence, because they will always know who and where he can help them if they would be at the crossroads of temptation. Public events for drug abuse prevention.

Modern Warfare

Millions of fans of Call of Duty 4: MW eagerly waited for the continuation cod mw. And suddenly there is a new November 10. Continued begins 3 years after the events of the previous version. In COD MW 2, you will be able to: swim with scuba diving, driving around in storms, scramble over the rocks, which still lies led.Tak also have to pass the missions in Afghanistan, Pakestane, Russia, etc. But still interesting is that a mission could take place in different ways, that pleases the fans igry.Sozdateli calculated that this game can get about 6 – 10 hours. Our game portal allows you to download and cod mw2 him a license key! Users will have to use all the weapons for a colorful pobedy.Mogu say at once, amateurs on the crash of enemies waiting for a lot of fun. In addition, it is obligatory to use and all kinds of equipment and the addition to arms, without which victory is simply not myslema.Kachayte Modern Warfare 2, and let your adventure will bring you many hours of joy and pleasure. Millions of fans eagerly waited for the continuation cod mw.

And suddenly, November 10 there is a new continuation begins 3 years after the events of the previous version. In COD MW 2, you will be able to: swim with scuba diving, driving around in storms, clamber over the rocks, which still lies led.Tak also have to pass the missions in Afghanistan, Pakestane, Russia, etc. But still interesting is that a mission could take place in different ways, that pleases fans igry.Sozdateli estimate that this game can take about 6 – 10 hours. Millions of fans eagerly waited for the continuation cod mw. And suddenly there is a new November 10. Continued begins 3 years after events of the previous version. In COD MW 2, you will be able to: swim with scuba diving, driving around in storms, clamber over the rocks, which still lies led.Tak also have to pass the missions in Afghanistan, Pakestane, Russia, etc. But still it is interesting that that a mission could take place in different ways, that pleases the fans igry.Sozdateli estimate that this game can take about 6 – 10 hours.

Children Parents And Divorce Express

It is difficult to provide assistance to the children when we feel vulnerable, hurt, insecure or very angry because of a divorce express. However, in those moments is when they need us. A little reflects and analyzes how it is that they have to deal with a situation that did not wish (the process of divorce), and for which they are not prepared. The first thing you should do is give fitted to the feeling of your children, they have the right to feel and to decide if they want to talk or not, on their emotions about the process of divorce. You must respect that decision.

Trying to compel the child so that it speaks of what happens, increases his discomfort and away from you. Despite your discomfort by necessary divorce in Mexico City, you can make him feel that you want it and you will be at your disposal when you have the intention of external its feel. It is important to you to tell you, even if you think that the already knows. You don’t criticize them, not try to change their emotions so that they feel better, nor the you racionalices, you’ll just prolong the effects of the divorce. The procedure divorce is a difficult stage and if you don’t know how to overcome separation, will be even more. Some of the following recommendations will help you so that you to help overcome the effects of the divorce to your children: validate their emotions to recognize, accept and respect their feelings. Give you long enough to hurt you. Not make comparisons of who has achieved more progress with their pain.

Do not press them. Respect their spaces of solitude if he is requiring them. Not relieve his discomfort with material objects. And finally, to help your children to transcend emotions caused by the divorce express, you have to do something with the pain they are causing you the causes of divorce. With information: growth-and-welfare-emotional


According to a study conducted by a group of European researchers, men transmit significantly smoking to their sons, while women his daughters. The study throws the same way an interesting result: the fact that the mother smoke does not appear to affect the probability that the son smoke, or vice versa. This research is based on data from the survey Panel homes British 1944-2002. According to the researchers, that selected data source since it outlined in detail products consumed in households, including tobacco, allowing analysis of the intergenerational transmission of cigarette smoking. This research was conducted in households with both parents present, and single-parent households (those headed by mothers primarily). According to Maria Loureiro, co-author of the study, the results obtained show that in terms of smoking habits is concerned, and after having checked the socio-economic variables, tobacco prices and the location of the home, the daughters tend to imitate their mothers, and sons their fathers. In conclusion, the importance of these results from a point of view of design and public policy to combat smoking is clear. Those that successfully reduce smoking fathers and mothers will directly affect their descendants.

Bach for Children

Dr. Bach floral essences Act energy level enhancing the positive mood States and creating a sense of well-being. Therapeutic treatment with Bach Flowers is innocuous and harmless so it can be administered to children with complete peace of mind even to infants. In children the flowers of Bach act more quickly because there is no resistance because it is new beings that have not had time of accumulating frustrations and disorders as an adult, so it can benefit with this soft floral therapy to alleviate problems such as: shyness: that is a common response in children in adapting to the social environment. If this behavior occurs on a recurring basis, the MIMULUS helps overcome shame and fear. Aggressiveness: Those children who seek attention with temper tantrums, are disobedient or rebels may use the vine which is a remedy that helps to use his qualities as a positive leader.

Do pee in the bed: in this case the cause of your stress should find out. If wants to draw attention CHICORY allows you to feel more independent, if you have nightmares or restless floral remedies most useful may be RESCUE REMEDY, ROCK ROSE, or CHERRY PLUM. Loss: The loss of a parent, a friend or an animal are critical situations. GENTIAN helps overcome the discouraged, STAR OF BETHLEHEM to make the duel and seal wounds. Etcetera as well: learning problems. Jealousy. Irregularities in the dream.

Changes in their routines. And other disorders to choose the floral formula is important to take into account the personality of the child, that is what determines the response to conflict situations and potentially stressful, although we can not forget about specific problems that is going through the child; change in mood due to external situations or personal discomfort. Bach flower therapy seeks that the child can communicate with its environment. The floral therapist is responsible for helping to restore this communication. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and to observe what they want us to say that with children is a non-verbal language that must be observed to achieve greater precision in selecting the floral formula that will allow the child overcome difficulty and achieve a State of emotional fullness.

Pearls To The Children

Pearls to the children salmo 91, in the first versicle says: ' ' That one that inhabits in the hiding place of Highest to the shade of the Onipotente descansar' '. This verse backwards one has detached incredible for who has interest in resting to the shade of God. However, nor all have the interest in resting to the shade of the Highest one. The great majority has an only interest: to receive something from God and to leave running Therefore, to rest to the shade of the Highest one suggests to remain, to be, to wait, to live, to hear To enter and to leave running the Shade of God, really will not decide the problem completely. The person can until being blessed by having entered in contact with this presence of the Highest one, however if not to remain In it, will not advance nothing! It will not know, only perceives it its hands that cure, that they bless, but will not know it, because it does not have interest in knowing it.

They only want something of God, and is alone. In contrast to this missed motivation, God desires that let us remain in its dwelling, in its presence. Therefore, the Salmo says: That one. This word is specifies, indicates somebody that has interest in passing time with the Father, somebody that has an apprentice heart. Being thus, the demonstrative proname ' ' aquele' ' , it indicates a person, and not everybody, only to a person interested in the address of God, is not related the opportunists who only want to be blessed, but that one that will has to know it, those that have desire in inhabiting, in hiding in the heart of the Highest one. These are the ones that obtain to attract the attention of God, these obtain to find rest. This is not incredible? Already it thought thus? Golden Oswaldo