
Be sure about this need to talk to by the child. His desires are very important – because it will live in the room. If the child up little space, is to install a bunk bed. The child will climb on the bed upstairs and downstairs can accommodate any furniture, for example, chest of toys and a wardrobe. Play area is usually denoted by the characteristic furniture – tables, chairs, bookcases, or a box of toys. The best option will be carpet covering the floor or carpet coating, linoleum, parquet or laminate.

Of course, they must all be of exceptionally high quality. In the area of sleep should be a bed or couch, you can add to them a rack of clothes. All the furniture, as furniture and kids should be absolutely safe. To keep upholstered furniture in a neat and clean, it is recommended to wear boots. They can be easily erased and cleaned, and their own furniture is not spoiled. Create a child a comfortable environment by using color clearance.

When choosing colors should take into account the tastes and wishes of the child, colors, furniture and lighting. It is best to choose a warm pastel tones. The walls are preferable to paste over washable wallpaper or paint. Bright details – such as painting, carpet or large soft toys – accentuate the interior. Without electricity in the room, of course, can not do. But in order to protect the child, all outlets shall be installed in inaccessible places for him. Also, you can close them with special caps. Posting should also be noticeable. Requirements for coverage have not changed, it can not be changed. As a ceiling fixture is desirable to use a modern bubble, tightly screwed to the ceiling. Crystal chandeliers can be broken and scattered in small fragments. Legalize teen room design varies considerably child after your child enters school. He starts more engage in learning at home and he does not have a whole day to play. Now most notably the appearance of new furniture in the room. Schoolboy must have for practicing a comfortable place. Instead of a table for games should put a desk. Probably will soon be a computer, so it is advisable to purchase a combined table – behind it you can also use the computer. Corner table takes up less total space. Furniture stores offer a large selection of comfortable chairs and armchairs, Transformers, they can choose with your child. As a child growing up working area will grow and expand. Becomes more books, magazines, TV or added to any other visual equipment. A few years later the teenager there own views on life. Now it would be correct to re-design the room, past the pastel shades will hardly amiss. Room is to be specified as a full-fledged room. New furniture is now possible not to buy, but for the son you can buy some sports equipment like punching bag or a set of dumbbells. A daughter will be happy to cabinet with a mirrored facade. Several shelves for CDs, souvenirs and cosmetics are also not hurt. The shops are foldable multifunctional furniture, beautiful and comfortable. Enough to choose the appropriate coloring. If your child be happy to spend time in your room, if him there comfortable and cozy – it means your efforts were unsuccessful.