Many times we wonder how to treat adults and get that much more productive Sean, making what we understand positive for the group, on multiple occasions, want to have adults on our side in negotiations. We want to bring others to our land of rational or emotional mode without leaving room for manoeuvre who must decide. There are many theories and practices, and tired of not finding the panacea to this issue, I found by chance with simple recipes apply, all those that are carried out when it is related one with children, since children not worth any ruse, sense non-verbal language and you have to be yourself. Those who are given well dealing with children may illuminate me a little more in this area in which I am somewhat novice. The truth is that when you want a child to do what we consider beneficial for him the best we can do is:-have you somehow previously happy to tell you what we want to do, be able to put you in the State of mood appropriate, move on to ask that it values participate in what we’re going to comment on. If we have already previously only pressing you hardly will enter to assess whether you like it or not because it is in advance against. -Show him what we want to do, as if it were a game, just as if that Act Nobody won or lost, simply that the fact of participating and experiementarlo will now cause you great fun and learning. If above once done this may result in some increased benefit for him or for others much better for everyone, to see this position helps in the process. -Of vital importance is, don’t force him to do so, since when it is pressed, and acts of mode manipulator to get something from others what they get will be just the opposite to our from you, which will be that it arrincone in a corner denial to do so.