For the Psicopedagogia it is by means of the language that we learn, desevolvemo- in and we create our reality. It is in this way that the child assumes itself of the knowledge and its action. 5.1 The figure of the professor in the process of letramento In accordance with Seber (1997), the challenge of alfabetizar in school is to obtain that the children read and write of spontaneous form, creative, constructive and that they can be inserted in the universe of the written culture. Alfabetizar, in the Infantile Education, requires, before any thing, to provoke and to awake in the children the desire and the pleasure to read and to write, inserting them, of playful form, in the world of the reading and the writing. Frade (2003) considers that the alfabetizao is a social phenomenon, politician and description, involving the lingustica, the pedagogia, psychology and the anthropology.
According to Nunes and Bryant (1997), a person functionally is alfabetizada when she acquires knowledge and abilities in the reading and writing enable that it to effectively engage in all the activities in which the alfabetizao is normally supposed in its culture or group. Towers (2003) do not believe that let us can attribute to the school all responsibility to form the alfabetizado citizen whom if it needs: critical and versatile reader, creative and competent writer. The alfabetizadora task exceeds, and very, the school. To sound (2000) if it worries about the abrangncia that if has given to the alfabetizao, standing out the esquecimento of its especificidade. It warns that she is necessary to differentiate the process of acquisition of the language written and verbal of the process of development of the written language and verbal, this last permanent process that if of the one throughout the life and is not depleted with the learning of the reading and writing. To sound (2003) calls the attention for the last evaluation the national system of evaluation (Saeb), denouncing that, approximately 33% of the pupils with room years of escolaridade, are illiterate, that is, the child finishes 4 series it basic education without knowing to read and to write.