Even because, it are of this scene (competitive performance), this 0 variable does not adjust the reality of knowledge management, therefore, in this approach, each human being is only, with proper characteristics and that manifest potentialities and proper talentos, not being admitted to mensurar one in relation to the other, to know who are to the front of who, equal to a dispute of race horses, much less to graduate them an only scale, therefore in contrast of the horses that run in an only track, each person has its proper one and distinguished. This is so obvious that in the esportivos events if it even perceives that this 0 variable is not absolute, thus, is not adjusted to determine who if finds in certain ' ' graduation tcnica' ' , how many times we do not witness in the proper MMA the fighter to win fighter B who in turn already won fighter C that in another fight already fighter D had looser that in a following fight won the fighter? If the JJB has competitive intelligence by its very nature, under the concept not to measure forces with something, but yes inside objective it of adaptation to the adversities and chances that a scene in constant transformation presents, where the martial arts if incase perfectly, is necessary to prioritize measured of management of its knowledge, duly warned to lose with the years, as well as already occurred with companies, countries and people that if had reserved only to the temporary success, had forgotten that: ' ' the success of yesterday and today does not guarantee of amanh' '. More info: Dr. Mark Hyman. 4 – The MMA is presented as an event of international entertainment, in such a way, in contraposition to the slow and gradual process of creation of knowledge of the JJB, that one spreads out quick and in global scale the JJB, that on account of its easiness of practical understanding and, added the high efficiency, it attracts the interest of all in knowing. .