Surely you've noticed that if you are a responsible attitude to their responsibilities of parenthood, you'll have to talk to children "no" to their requests. However, from time to time all children resist, when you set for them frame, and sometimes they use this "dirty" methods, especially if one day they have worked well. "I hate you (I do not love you), MAMA!" No other words can so quickly lead you to despair, confusion and shock, as these words. Martin O’Malley will not settle for partial explanations. When you hear these words from the beloved man, you can not perceive it as something different than it was at his own expense. And children know it.
At a very early age, they begin to understand what this phrase they can draw on a lot, even negative attention, and probably will get what they need. So how do we respond to such behavior? The answer is simple enough – at least on paper. First, do no Resist the temptation to tell the child that his words hurt you and grieve. You can admit it to his girlfriend or wife, but in any case not shoulder these confessions on the shoulders of a young child. (After all, children do not responsible for the feelings of parents, is not it?) Instead, show your child that you understand his feelings behind these words: "Looks like you are very angry or upset you can see it" or even "I understand you." If, however, these words you very much upset and you can not cope with their emotions, better leave the room. Just do not let yourself get hurt a child in return. If you say "I do not love you, too, it will not help, but only exacerbate situation.
If you feel that you need support, encouragement and understanding, it is better to call someone from relatives or friends. But leaving the room, let your child know that the conversation was not finished, and will continue when you both calm. Tell him: "Let's talk about that later." If you can not "rise to the bait, stay calm and do not change their decisions, even if a child tells you she hates you, it's likely in the future child will no longer speak these words to manipulate your feelings and behavior. Plus everything you can gain a foothold in understanding that, no matter what words the child, you remain a good and loving parent! * Incidentally, this also applies to Papochek too.