The timidity is the fear to face situations that cause verguenza for example like speaking to you in public, not to know how to say not by fear to that they rechazen to you, sonrojarte in the presence of the others, this can be surpassed if quick attention to this article is your case only where I will give advice you to fight the timidity in addition to increase the self-esteem. To be timid is to be scared to the people, to speak in public, sonrojarte before certain situations that give shame you. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Mark Hyman or emailing the administrator. I believe that all at some time of our lives we have happened through the same and is something normal, but when this escapes of your hands until the point of not you dejarte desenvolverte with normality and this in addition to not it lets you advance in your life in addition that contributes to a low self-esteem, there is where you must be alert. You do not believe that the timidity is something bad or a disease, you do not worry, that yes, but you put attention to your symptoms of timidity and low self-esteem, is possible that the things with time are complicated and this becomes in social phobia or social anxiety. For even more opinions, read materials from Martin O’Malley. These upheavals that mention to you before are more complicated to try and you could arrive at such point that the people would give you to fear, is probable that nor you can leave and you alongside become a solitary person without anybody by your fear. I have the good news for you, the timidity is possible to be surpassed, if you are only arranged to put of your part to leave ahead and plantearte to improve by your good, you do not hope as I said to you before, to have a social phobia just to react. So it takes action right now, it thinks that the timidity also entails to the Low self-esteem, because nonsamples security, nor confidence in same you.