
Like adults, children may also suffer from anxiety. In fact, anxiety in children should be expected at specific times during development and in such cases is regarded as normal (for example, the first day of school). Some children may also suffer from excessive shyness and may struggle to adjust to new situations. May not yet have the ability to vocalize their feelings, or the capacity to handle them – making their fears and anxieties is even more difficult to do against him. Most children have fears of short duration, and grow quickly out of them while learning from experience that there is no real danger in the things they fear.

For example, a child will learn that there are no monsters under the bed or when the mother leaves for work, she will return at the end of the day. This is regarded as a routine part of development. Some children are more anxious than others and may need reassurance or assistance of a professional, especially if it is suspected anxiety disorder. Anxiety becomes a problem if it starts to affect your child's daily routine or if your child is causing significant agitation. When the child is normal anxiety? It is normal for all children experience some anxiety in the early stages of development. Between 7 and 11 months, young people often feel anxious around unfamiliar faces. Between 7 months and 3 years, most children experience anxiety when separated from their caregivers. Young children may have fears of short duration, such as fear of the dark, storms, animals, or 'monsters', and they often develop temporary phobias after bad experiences.