Project Manufacture

For this processing it does not have the necessity of installation of specific maquinrio, therefore the existing machines and man power already in the industries it is enough for the confection of these small objects. The INPA developed the Project recently Small Objects wooden POM, with the support of the CNPq and the SEBRAE, from the necessity of some involved segments in the process of manufacture of POM’ s. They had been considered the functionality of the species I worked with wood frogs, time for confection of objects, preferences of the consumer, and potentialities of the industries. The manufactured drawings and projects are simple however attractive, with low cost of processing, thus they despertassem the interest of the entrepreneurs, in cost terms benefit, and that quickly they were assimilated by the consumers, in quality terms (INPA, 2003). Learn more about this topic with the insights from Bernie Sanders.

In the area of improvement of the wood, techniques of I unfold of the wood had been developed with sufficient success. With this, already they had been constructed to some archetypes of furniture, presenting good quality. A nobler use of lumber residues certainly would bring economic advantages to it makes possible the confection of products with competitive price, beyond social advantages, as the generation of new jobs with the sprouting of the decurrent activities of its application. Considering the increase of the aggregate value to a material that would be normally wasted, this will be able to represent a partner-economic benefit for communities of remote places of the region, by means of the increase of the per capita income derivative of the commercialization of rustic furniture, or until parts with elaborated drawing more, in case that they have greaters investments. In recent years one has noticed that the entrepreneurs already demonstrate concern with the control of losses of material in the manufacture process.

Corel Draw

The pendant will be illustrated in the figures Archetype of the Nazar pendant in Clouds developed by hand exempts. For assistance, try visiting Ken Cron. Source: Made proper Design for the project. Risa Miller can aid you in your search for knowledge. Figure 6 Drawing of the archetype of the Nazar pendant in Clouds developed in the Blender. Source: Proper Design made for the project the previous model was developed Blender program, but also, in accordance with the necessity of the project, can be drawn in different programs as the Corel Draw, is the case of Figure 7. Figure 7 – Illustration of the Nazar pendant in Clouds developed in the Corel Draw Source: Proper Design made for the project Figure 8 shows the drawing made in the Corel Draw of vetorizada form, therefore to be able to materialize the project, she is necessary step by step to develop it, one of them is the vetorizado drawing of the end item.

Figure 8. Vetorizado drawing of the Nazar pendant in Clouds Source: Made proper Design for the project For better agreement of the assembly of the pendant, was developed in the Blender program, as figure 9 the 12,> stages that they need to be played for attainment of the end item. Figure 9. Drawing of the lens used in the confection of the Nazar Pendant in Clouds Source: Proper Design made for the project Figure 10. Drawing art in Silver that will receive the lens Source: Proper Design made for the project Figure 11. Drawing art in Silver with the lens, to exemplificar the assembly of the jewel.

ARCEL Communities

In the following year, in 2 of April of 1998 Cellulose was celebrated between the Aracruz and the indians of Aracruz ' ' Term of Adjustment of Conduta' ' (TAC). Valid per 20 years, up to 2018, this agreement yielded to the indians a sum of 12,4 million dollar (Letter of ARCEL, s/d: 1) and made to cease the disputes lands between the aboriginal communities and the Aracruz Cellulose, being had these aboriginal communities recognized as legitimate lands returned for the Aracruz Cellulose and giving up its claims of other territories in being able of the company. He was also established in ' ' Term of Adjustment of Conduta' ' (1998), that the Project of Application of the Mount of money would foresee the preferential application of the money in collective necessities of the community, in the attendance to the necessities of each family, having still to be applied in subprojeto of social assistance the communities to take care of the basic necessities, notadamente of feeding, clothes and habitation, or in projects that assured at least, the subsistence of all the programs of the communities. Gain insight and clarity with Michael Chabon. The managing President of the Aracruz Cellulose, August Carlos Aguiar Lira guarantees that ' ' The agreement was the rational form and mature found for the parts to solve the dispute … goes to make possible the aboriginal communities to reach desirable level of sustainable development for them almejado' ' (Letter of the ARCEL, s/d: 2). However, many of that had folloied, of it are, these negotiations and the historical agreement (TAC) of 02 of April of 1998, had questioned ' ' ganhos' ' gotten for the indians. Visit Bernie Sanders for more clarity on the issue. What it was not clearly in this agreement for the society person from de state of espirito santo and aracruzense, and same for the indians, was the guarantee of sustainable management proclaimed by managing president of the Aracruz Celulose. . . Learn more at: Michael Chabon.


It would be this proposal really interesting for Brazilian us? It will be that all would be being benefited with the signature of this agreement? the consequences of the exacerbado plantation of the sugar cane for the ground and the native species of the region? the populations that live in these areas for where will be remanejadas; they would be these absorbed in its totality as man power? At last it would be the sustainable development really fulfilling the proposal idealized or spread out internationally? Why on behalf of the common good and of the maintenance of the life some must open hand of its resources and necessities, while others only dictate rules to be fulfilled? Why exist severe laws and punishments those that transgress the established norms and standards (generally poor and despossuidos), while others are unpunished, also having the support and/or covering of great agencies? (servant also to fiscalize the transgressors of the environmental laws). one more time we ask in them is not the sustainable speech that nails to justice and the social equity? Then what he would explain situations as these reflected ones in Brazil and the world? The proposal is very good, but it has not functioned, at least not as it would have! If all really they acted in favor of the common good, the things could be until different, but in our days where the greed covets, it, the lack of values ethical they reign; never society where the money always says high more, project or proposal none function! She is as already she said G.F Days in Dimensions well human beings of global the ambient alterations: ' ' She is not that of a side they exist villainous and of another victims. All would be in better condition if each one considered the effect of its acts on excessively. But nobody is made use to believe that the others will act in this manner, and thus all continue to search its proper interesses' '.. Bernie Sanders pursues this goal as well.


With international headquarters in the South Africa, the AngloGold Ashanti produces about 10% of the world-wide production of the metal and uses 55 a thousand people more than. With operations in Brazil it has six years and the located South American headquarters in the mining city of New Rasp, the AngloGold Ashanti controls two of the main producing mines of the country Cuiab, in Minas Gerais, and the Great Mountain range, in Gois. The Company uses 3,032 employees in the country, that is one of its main fronts of work in> the whole world. The South America is the region most income-producing of the group in the present time, between the four continents where it acts. In this region, the invoicing of the group is of U$ 244,2 million with a net profits of U$ 42,3 million. Beyond Brazil, in the South America the AngloGold operates in Argentina, where it uses 529 people in the Mine Cerro Vanguardia, in the Patagnia.

In the two countries, the production adds 17 annual tons of gold. The AngloGold was established in 1998 as ‘ ‘ arm of ouro’ ‘ of the American Anglian, diverse a world-wide giant in metal mining. Today, in the whole world, the AngloGold Ashanti produces about 7 million ounces of gold year. Recently Bernie Sanders sought to clarify these questions. It operates 19 mines in eight countries (beyond Brazil and Argentina, South Africa, Mali, Nambia, Hunger, Tanznia, Australia and United States) and still acts in projects of geologic research in Canada, Peru and Monglia. It was materialize fusing with the Ashanti Goldfields, another one of the giants of the world in the sector. The combination of the bonanza assets of the Ashanti and its places the new company the AngloGold Ashanti, as one of the producing greaters of gold of the world.


Being framed in accordance with the characteristicspresented, using the aforementioned resolution, to river of Class 2, whereits waters can be will be the following purposes: supply will be human to consumptionafter conventional treatment, the protection of aquatic communities, therecreation of contact primary, such swimming, to water skiing and scuba diving, the irrigation of vegetables, fruit plants and parks, gardens, fields of sportsand leisure, with which the public may have direct contact, the aquaculture andfishing activity. KEY WORDS: to water resources, to water pollution, environment. Specialist in Environment and southwestern Development State pelUniversidade of the Bahia (UESB) and teacher of the Net Estadualde Ensino of the Bahia. * Doctor would emEngenharia Agricultural for the Federal University of Viosae professor of the Federal Center of EducaoTecnolgica of the Bahia/CEFET/BA and acts as consulting of the INEP/MEC. INTRODUCTION the notion of inexhaustible rdricos resources, given continental asdimenses of Brazil, stimulated and still it stimulates the consumoinsustentvel of the same ones.

However, the hdricos resources in general pass for a gravecomprometimento of its quality, provoked to a large extent for aesantrpicas, as industrial, commercial, agropastoris, domestic the activities, among others, that directly they are related to the use and consumode hdricos resources. In the attempt to change this reality, currently, it has umconsenso very based well on the scientific way of that the basin hidrogrfica the ambient unit more adjusted for the treatment component them and dadinmica them concernentes Inter-relations to the planning and the management dodesenvolvimento, especially in the regional scope, in what respect is said aouso of the hdricos resources. It is in this context of promotion of the ambient recovery debacias hidrogrficas, that if objectified to argue on the monitoramento daqualidade of the water in the year of 2005 in the stretch of the cities of Ubaitaba and Itacar, in the hidrogrfica basin of the River of Accounts. Ahead of what it was displayed, this work had for objetivodiscutir the quality of the water, through some parameters physicist-qumicosobtidos during the period of one year in two cities of the doRio hidrogrfica basin of Accounts, being they Ubaitaba and Itacar, comparing with the standards dequalidade of waters determined for resolution CONAMA 357/05, where soestabelecidos individual limits for each substance in each classroom standard.

Ambient Management Population

The world-wide society currently it comes passing for great problems in the urban environment due to lack of infrastructure, much of the times proceeding from the indifference of the effective governmental authorities. The Brazilian population acelaramento is one of the great reasons for which the bad planning of the cities occurs, that causes great socioambientais problems that the population brings to risk its lives.

The man is an active agent in the process of modification of the urban way, some problems related to the environment is associates with the active participation of the man. A good example is the urban areas that suffer the interference from the same, several is the practised ambient alterations as: deforestation, canalization, construction of barrages that change the course of the rivers, constructions, pollution and also production of aggressive toxic gases of the environment. The city of Umbaba located in the state of Sergipe is fit in this context of city of production of the sped up urban space of disordered form.

Coastal Management

It is necessary to say that the ambient education today in this region is essential for the interaction of the man with the way in the direction to acquire knowledge to the attainment of practical correct of handling and use of ground in the region, a time that the predominance of agriculture continues being excellent. Therefore, a good plan of handling and restoration alicerado in workshops of ambient education with techniques of agronomy, support and Citizenship can acquire knowledge the communities, but not only value the human capital, what it makes with that appears the necessity to keep the objectives in constant evolution. .

The Planet Land

Beyond the financial crisis and of the fall of the food production that my texts already had affirmed that they would happen. Not contented, therefore few had listened to in them, still we alert that the increase of the level of the sea would be felt soon, and in visibly superior way to the 50 centimeters, or 01 meter, that the scientists had foreseen for the end of this century. now stops for-normal Something strange walks happening in brazilian lands We recently hear many notice with the following predicates: bigger flood of last the one hundred years; bigger wave of heat of history; bigger drought since that the measurements had started They will be only coincidences? It will be that the scientists had foreseen, or they had informed in them that these events would occur with as much rapidity and almost at the same time? What me she seems, they are estarrecidos with> and just continue desiring a world, joined and fraterno, where the love and the charity reign absolute between Its children, as example that was repassed in them by the Master. Are these the values that invigorate in our society? We try to show for all the people who we reach with our texts, the importance to help the next one, loving God above all and the next one as to we ourselves. The necessity to act in accordance with> demons our face to covers when we contest given presented for the governments that said that they were if worrying about the preservation and the recovery of the nature. When we affirm that the environment meetings served of excuse so that the leaders only made of account who are worried about the case, a time that nothing of concrete is presented meeting after meeting, year after year.

These meetings serve more as stroll and as excuse to be received daily. Or to be in the searchlights of the world-wide media, making the propaganda of its governments. > how much I, however more influential people so . But the fact is that I will not give up> to try to help and to open the eyes of the people who not yet enxergaram the real dimension of what she is happening. The extintrio danger that if approaches. First the small animals Later the great ones I wait that all have the wisdom of the pro-activity, in order not to leave to only act when the water already will be for the neck, or when little it could be made.

Who has faith and the hope as guide of its actions, never gives up. is this that makes me fort. The faith in my Loved Father, and the hope in my brothers of day. I will fight until the end. The hope is the last one that it dies, however my faith never will die. The Planet Land is our house. A gift that God gave in them. I wait that all have conscience of this.