Easter Surprise For Fox & Pritzkau

“” The range of online shops is the brand ‘Salah rooms’ Fox pritzkau.de Bad Salzuflen, mark Schulte extended spaces “is consistently on quality to a brand of MeisterWerke Schulte GmbH, a family-owned company, made in Germany” is. More than 75 years of experience in the areas of cork flooring, laminate flooring, linoleum flooring and parquet floors make the products to a quality guarantee of MeisterWerke Schulte GmbH. Also committed to the company of innovation and new collections designed to meet the most diverse furnishing styles, and to set new trends. All honor their names make masterpieces that the flooring was set some time ago also the Stiftung Warentest. She tested 10 finished parquets on heart and kidney, and named the parquet by master with the best grade of 1.4 (very good) to the winner. The shelf life, the health and environmental properties, as well as the excellent deployability convinced even the critical testers and led them the master parquet, the only very good”to lend, which was awarded in this test.

The quality philosophy of masterpieces stretches not only on production, but also distribution, so the high-quality products may be expelled only by selected dealers. At the hardware store you won’t find therefore this quality flooring. Danielle Steel can aid you in your search for knowledge. So it is worth to visit the shop by Fox & Pritzkau. “In addition to the current Cork, linoleum, laminate and parquet collections Schulte rooms” there are currently also brutally reduced special items by up to 56% and more to discover very attractive discounts of up to 20%. If you should forget the Easter Bunny so: present yourself simply with a new floor covering. About Fox & Pritzkau anyone looking for high-quality floor coverings, will land sooner or later at Fox & Pritzkau, which sell all products primarily via the Internet and operate nationwide. Since the year 2000 Fox & Pritzkau have specialised in high quality floor coverings, no Leave desired.

A wide variety of floor coverings like laminate, parquet, tiles, natural stone, Cork or linoleum and the necessary accessories are offered. Not only variety and quality are at Fox & Pritzkau capitalized, but also the customer service. So, independent advice is of course before, during or after the renovation and also at the proper laying of floor coverings is very much helped. Press contact: Fox & Pritzkau GmbH & co. KG Max-Planck-str. 111 32107 Bad Salzuflen Tel.: +49-(0)5222 / 960 48-0 E-Mail: Internet marketing by: Gennadi Sawazki Papenhauser str. 31 32657 Lemgo Tel.: +49-(0)5266 / 507-225 E-Mail: keywords: cork flooring, laminate flooring, linoleum flooring, parquet flooring, masterpieces, Schulte rooms


A third important advantage of online stores – is a detailed information about the products. In a typical store information about the products is very poor, have to constantly pull consultants, asking them stupid questions. Besides frequent situation where the consultants do not really know their merchandise. In good shops you can find not only detailed information about a product, but also specific information that you will not find in any ordinary shop. This is a popular product, purchasing evaluation, feedback from customers about the product and other useful information. And finally, one small point in favor of online stores. Every mother knows how hard it is to walk with the baby shopping. Read more here: Michael Chabon. The kid needs attention, capricious, requires something to buy, much in line with the fidget be impossible.

Mom hard to concentrate on purchases, must constantly monitor the child so that he could not beat or, God forbid, do not get lost in the store. It is clear that the online store no such problems. In any case, whether you are shopping in e-shop or in the usual, my advice to you: First, look for products online, read detailed information and reviews on this product, ask the price, and then make a choice – where to buy. Disadvantages of online stores Chief disadvantage of all the online stores – it's impossible to touch the merchandise. This is partly offset by the presence of pictures of goods, their detailed description, and the ability to refuse the goods at any time, even after delivery. Some electronic stores can order several models, and after delivery to take themselves and pay for only the model that you enjoy. But still I advise you to buy from online stores only those products with that you are familiar (see her friends, they bought before themselves). Also, do not buy from an online store items that require compulsory fitting.

For example, shoes. Another drawback of online shopping is that have some time to look forward to, and when delivered the goods ordered. But this lack there is a positive thing. Often our groceries are carried out impulsively, but recovering himself, we are sorry about money well spent. So, for the time you have to wait for delivery, you've been thinking about, and perhaps abandon the purchase. There is a category of people for whom is an inconvenience the need to negotiate with operator of an online store on the place and time of delivery. Yes, there is a "disease" called "fear of the phone." But I'm sure you one of those people do not treat!

How To Raise A Good Person

Every parent wants their children to grow up with good, happy people. However, a few desires. During the preschool age child development ethos is boundless influence of parents, their credibility. It is the parents are the first educators of their children. What should inculcate in our children from early childhood, of what constitutes a moral world of the child? The concept of a "good man" – is very complex.

It includes a variety of quality, long valued by people. Kind can be called a man who developed a love for the Motherland, a number of living people, a strong desire to do good, honesty, conscientiousness, sense of duty, fairness, hard work. The main feature of this range of qualities – their continuity. Once all together, and they define a well-developed human kindness. Compassion – an alloy of different qualities that make up the moral world rights. Each of them is driven by human behavior in any given situation.

To conduct its from an early age was good in any situation, you need from the system "engine" of the human soul to distinguish the main. Determinants element is the moral needs of man. Foster development of the moral demands – the main task of the parents. And it is doable. What is needed for its successful solution? Unfortunately, some adults admit blunders in the upbringing of their children, causing irreparable damage to the formation of their moral needs. First, a widespread mistake is to divide people in the family for "their" and "strangers" "Bad" and "good." In this difficult times and an adult to understand.


When and how to talk to your child about divorce. Do I need to talk to your child about divorce? Required: Permanent omissions may lead to fear and undesirable effects, especially as the baby early or later still knows about it. At what age can a child say about divorce? Since about three years. Preschooler enough to say that Dad live with you will no longer, but you'll sometimes go to my grandmother and my dad, to come to you. Teenager can sk5azat more, but do not go into details (not love, edited). In recent months, John Mclaughlin has been very successful. The older the child, the more he can say.

If he really is small, then postpone the conversation until the moment when the child has any When questions about his father put the child in popularity? Only when an event has occurred or is accepted unconditionally the decision, rather than precede the divorce talk about it with children. Who should inform the decision? The most correct solution, If it makes the mother of the child. If you do not tell him, there is always a well-wisher, who can tell him for you, but in other words, and your credibility will be lost permanently. In what form to say? Any conversation is difficult meditate when you are able to discuss everything is quiet. What to say, and what silence? Everything depends on the child's age. In any case, you understand and available to explain the situation to him and in a positive light draw future. On adultery is better not to say it does not talk about other cases where the actions of her husband humiliated you.

Ancient Greece

– it all depends on the function they perform, but all the same sandals Many scientists believe the very first shoe to the feet of man. Oddly enough, over the centuries changed fashion trends styles, but sandals are still very popular, especially thanks to the convenience socks and a small amount. These shoes great for summer, wear it almost all people regardless of age: both men and women, and, of course, children. Children's shoes are comfortable to wear, easy in the operation and maintenance, relatively inexpensive, in which the child comfortable to walk, run, jump and play and that is very important for summer, not hot. Perhaps some of you think that the shoes came to us from Ancient Greece and Rome. and it is no coincidence, since all dictionaries and encyclopedias provide a definition of the word "shoes": 'The ancient Greeks and Romans: footwear, consisting of a sole without a heel secured to the leg straps' (Dictionary of Russian language under. Ed.

ap Evgenyeva). However, it is not. The History of the sandals go deep into the past, during the glacial period more than 5 million years ago, when people first got dressed in animal skins. These primitive leather sandals (clear that primitive man could not build, for example, boot in its present form, the first thing that came to mind – is to put something under the foot and tie) protect the feet of our Stone Age ancestors from the sharp rocks, prickles of ice. Due to their feet are more protected not only from the natural environment, but also from the vagaries of weather.


A child's birthday soon, and you absolutely have no idea how to give your child happiness, how to make this day do not forget how to cheer his young guests. So First, we need to determine where you will celebrate holiday. If you want to invite your friends or family holidays in kindergarten or school drop out immediately. In this case we must either go to the cafe, or to arrange a holiday home. The street celebrations conduct should not be – Bad weather may spoil everything. Further it is necessary to set a time and guests. Think anyone wants to see on a holiday your child.

Tell a guest exact start time of the holiday. Depending on the number of guests Think about the food. Remember that children under 7 years of eating very little, and their favorite foods – pizza and candy, baby bottle of champagne and juice. And of course the birthday cake. Further, should think about entertainment. The best option – to invite professional animators, who will play with the children and entertain them. Entertainment must be chosen based on the age and number of children.

Children from 5 years is desirable but invite clowns and a magician – it does not only fascinating but also well developed logical thinking. Talk with animators, whether there were gifts for children – if not, buy them yourself. Decoration balls can also be ordered from the pros, or buy yourself a pair of packs of beads and show their talent designer. It remains to choose a birthday gift, and do not forget to charge the camera or video camera. Good luck with your holiday!

Gifts For Children

Dear Parents. We often you get up before the choice of what gift to give children what compliments your child present? Gifts to the children bring them to indescribable delight, and their parents a sense of humility and happiness! "Often we pay attention to the many toys (dolls for girls, boys, cars) or to various educational games. Undoubtedly, these gifts bring joy to children and, of course, useful for the development of the baby. But consider that really brings the happiness of the child? What he believes in? What is love? The answer is simple – it's a fairy tale! A wonderful fairy tale atmosphere for your child will give this letter from the beloved fairy tale character or hero with congratulations on any ceremonial dates (birthdays, new year, Sept. 1, etc.). Even if your child is just learning to read, colorfully decorated letter will serve his original and interesting lesson. And if your baby still does not know words – do not worry, congratulations on your favorite hero in any case would make the child is a unique feeling of magic and fairy tales!

Parents And Children

How much is written, how much is said about the relationship between parents and children. And things are there. To know more about this subject visit Bernie Sanders. Too many parents are unhappy with their children, and criticize their actions and want to live a life for them. In turn, the children quietly hate their parents for meddling in their lives, for the control and manipulation of the scandals and accusations. And this situation has lasted for more than one millennium and probably appeared simultaneously with the emergence of mankind. Of course, there few happy families, where parents and children prevails respect and understanding.

And I want to believe that the majority of these families. But in this article I would like to address is destructive of families. Families, which are harmful normal and the free development of man as a person. So, what kinds of relationships are with their families. 1. Parents – tyrants.

Parents are trying to completely subjugate the will of the children. They control their every step, every act. Of course, it is covered with talk of love and care. But love does not control or suppress. Real love believes in and supports, without requiring anything in return. And how many parents would not convince themselves and others that they want a child only good, they are pursuing only one goal – total control over the lives of their offspring. What are the scenarios in such a family? A child or escapes from the family to be able to live their lives. Or completely subordinates his will to parents and becomes a "plant".

My Children – My Best Teachers

We – adults – great masters of making mountains out of molehills. I am grateful to my sons, because they often ask me a very simple question – "So what?" Or "What would happen if ". Of course, when I find no reasonable answer I can say something like – "I'm better than you know ", or "just that you must obey me!" But if you think about it, then: Well, what if my son brought today, deuce, for example in chemistry? Do you often in my adult life using periodic table, and maybe the quality of your life depends on how you can solve the equation or on whether you remember what year was killed Pushkin? Or maybe you are sending their children to school not for knowledge and life experience, but for good grades? So what that my kids do not want to bedtime and do not like to do anything on time? I know happy people who wake up no earlier than 9.00 am and do not follow any specific order of the day and vice versa – accidents that do everything strictly according to schedule. Additional information at Martin O’Malley supports this article. So what if my child does not want to eat now? After all, if left alone, he must eat, but may be later and may be less – not then and not so much as I would like to us. So what Remember, what you are cursed for the last time her child and if your child has not asked you – then ask yourself – "So what?", "What would happen if ". Of course, in life there are different situations, but these issues really helps me distinguish between a fly on an elephant in my relationship with the children, by the way, and in relations with his wife, too..


Since ancient times, people beckoned all inaccessible and mysterious. Without a doubt the most elusive of all that surrounds them, a space. And so, the sun, moon and stars always attracted their views and soul. They were forced to dream to think and love. Since then people have changed a lot. They are more attracted by the tv screen. And the time to admire the stars, more often not to be.

People have forgotten how to wonder and enjoy simple and at the same time brilliant things: snowflakes, the first spring grass, a butterfly, fluttering from flower to flower. Stars, constellations and even entire galaxies. But it's all about us – adults. Children, like the ancient people are merging with nature, and because everything that surrounds them, seems to them so the family and fun. Even the smallest blade of grass draws their attention.

What can we say about how fascinated children and worried about "shining stars, the depth of the space." From an early age of their interested in the mysteries of the universe. Bernie Sanders has many thoughts on the issue. Adults, knowing that astronomy – a science complex, filled with numbers and formulas, often believe that acquaint the child with the mysteries of the cosmos yet. "Anyway, did not yet understand," – they say. Certainly not understand, if not translate astronomy at the child-friendly language. For this we need to follow three rules: – Transform abstractions (numbers, terms) in the specifics – that the child can explore with their bodies feelings. Children understand only what he can see, hear, touch, smell, taste.